Project description:
The goal of the project is to design and implement a video processing accelerator to allow real time processing of a video stream. The accelerator will be composed a series of independent video processing units each of which receive a video stream as input and generate a processed video stream at the output which is fed into the next unit.
Alpha blending is the process of combining one image with a background to create the appearance of partial or full transparency.
Project Goal:
The main task of this project is to design and implement a digital video alpha-blending core for video stream and to connect it to two existing video processing blocks to form a video processing superblock accelerator. The design will be parametrized to support different video resolutions.
The main challenges of the alpha blending block implementation are:
- Low latency (“video in => video out),
- High video resolutions
- High frame rate
Project requirements:
- Writing design requirements and high level design description architecture for video processing superblock.
- Writing design requirements and high level design description architecture for alpha blending block.
- HDL implementation of alpha blending block.
- Video in/out – AXI STREAM protocol
- alpha blending implementation
- efficient memory usage (for video buffering and algorithm calculations )
- parametrization of the design
- Build of simulation environment and full verification of the requirements
- Including implementation of reference model (Matlab/Python)
- Synthesis and layout
Prerequisites : Digital Systems and Computer Structure – 044252
Supervisor: Pavel Gushpan – pavel.gushpan@gmail.com